Engaging audiences with impactful
messaging and unique design
Client: Highmark Health, Remita Health & Charter Health
Commissioned by: Highmark Health & The Gush Company
Role: Design
Technic: Digital Art
We work closely with Tonic, the in-house creative agency for Highmark Health. Our role involves crafting a wide range of design solutions that support the company’s brand and communication goals. From designing newsletters and direct mailers to developing storyboards for videos and creating B2B marketing materials, our work ensures that every project reflects the brand’s identity while connecting with its audience. Whether it’s a print campaign, digital asset, or visual storytelling for video, we collaborate with teams to deliver creative and impactful designs that align with Highmark Health’s mission and resonate with its diverse audience.
Hospice industry
A lesser known industry within healthcare is called Hospice. This multi-billion dollar industry is integral in making sure that patients and their families are taken care of and guided through the difficult journey of passing on. The following are various ads and collateral for various hospice companies throughout Southern California.